Shiatsu is a oriental based manipulative therapy that allows deep penetration into the muscles and tissues. Shiatsu consists mainly of pressure point work, with relaxation technique to help alleviate pain and calm the mind. This therapy works by clearing blockages that exist in the various pressure point pathways along the body to restore the body to a more balanced and healthier state. It is excellent for muscle stiffness, anxiety, increasing circulation, balancing energy, insomnia, fibromyalgia, migraines, sciatica, PMS, Back & joint pain, and more. This therapy is used in conjunction with massage lotion to moisturise the skin and allow the muscles to be glided over.
30 minutes ~ $35 60 minutes ~ $60
During a Hot Stone Massage the heat of the stones penetrate deeply into the muscles, allowing complete relaxation throughout the body. The heat therapy allows soothing warmth to spread over, both, the internal and the external body. I have specially selected the stones that are used in the treatment in order to guarantee a smooth, gentle texture to each stone. Your back, arms and legs will be massaged with the warm stones helping to improve circulation, muscle tension and stress. A luxurious massage lotion is used in conjunction with the stones, allowing them to gently glide over the skin.
60 MINUTES ~ $80
During a relaxation massage session, specialized aromatherapy oils are used in combination with massage lotion. This a wonderful alternative to Shiatsu, which is more of therapeutic. This is a wonderful massage if you're in need of pampering yourself, it is also gentler than my other therapies. However, deep relaxation massage is an option as well. Relaxation massage is beneficial for easing muscle pain and allowing your mind to fall into a state of deep peace and relaxation.
30 minutes ~ $35 60 minutes ~ $60
Having a body scrub is a wonderful way for your skin to be rejuvenated and replenished. An full body exfoliating scrub is used to slough off dead skin cells and leave you glowing. It is then followed by moisturiser and toner to bring that natural sheen back into your skin. The hot towels used during the session leave you feeling warm and pampered.