Having a massage can be a very relaxing and peaceful experience for both, practitioner and client. If you have never had a massage before, or are curious about what you should do prior to your next massage, spa or luxurious treatment here are some simple steps to follow. Keep in mind that every spa is different and has different suggestions on what to do pre-treatment, however, these are my words to you:
1. Wear Minimal Make-up Make-up not only can stain the linens, but it also makes it more difficult to fix yourself up after the massage. It is simpler to apply little, or no make-up at all prior to your treatment. 2. Shower or Bathe It is important to be cleanly for your treatment, for both practitioner and client. Being cleanly allows for the lotions and oils to be absorbed easily. It is also important to do so for simple courtesies towards the practitioner. The practitioner will always be sufficiently groomed prior to treatment, and it truly grateful for cleanly clients. Shave at least 24 hours prior to your session, as some products may cause sensitivity or clogged pores on freshly shave legs. 3. Use the Washroom You are more than welcome to use the facilities at the business location, or at home if preferred. Having to use the washroom during your treatment makes it difficult to relax, and can interrupt and take away from your relaxing experience. 4. Have A Snack The treatment is much more effective if you have a small meal, or snack prior to your treatment. It is helpful because it allows your body to use the energy gained from the food to be used in healing, repairing and relaxing the body. However, eating too much can take away from the massage and leave you feeling uncomfortable. 5. Be On Time Being on time is respectful for both, your time and the practitioners time. Please show up no more than 10 minutes early for your treatment, as sessions are specifically slotted so that clients do not have to rush off the table to get the next person in. The time used between sessions is for the practitioner to write notes, tidy the table and rest a moment before the next treatment. Being late is also detrimental to your relaxing experience. Due to client volume, the practitioner will be unable to extend your treatment to make up for the time missed from being late, so please be no more than 5 minutes behind.